
Lena Tenaglia Art Projects and Exhibitions

“Niet Aaien” in the Basis Bureau was an exhibition during my teaching study at the AHK. My classmates and I organized it for Jolanda Middel, a fellow student, who was in need of a specifically trained assistance dog from the organization “de CLiCK” for her handicap. Her condition became such that it was her last request to raise funds for this organization before euthanasia. A ten-meter long group painting was created by us following her lesson plan, and then auctioned by square centimeter. I donated a video documentary of the “making of”, gave a performance with my “cyber musical dog” and submitted a video collage called “chronological tribute to my artistic inspiration” for auction.

“Women In Paradise” in Paradiso Amsterdam Wrote theme song with video for event.

“Women In Paradise” in Paradiso Amsterdam Wrote theme song with video for event and presented ”Eve’s Lost Paradise” a series of short films. Night Clubbing / Villa Bloem Wageningen Wrote the theme song with René Meister, performed it for the party and edited the video footage for the website.

Media Project for exhibition “BODIES”. In the Beurs van Berlage with two students from the Amsterdam Lyceum who I assisted in making the interview and short program for “Cult TV” which was also broadcasted.

Art Editor for “Cult TV” a local television program for Amsterdam Culture. Helped set up the theory for EXPAT, an internet TV show.

Interviews for Cult TV Amsterdam, A local cultural television program for Amsterdam.

Funky Frozen Fever / Villa Bloem Wageningen Coordination of performances and décor for the party, wrote the theme song with René Meister and made the video clip.

Graduation Project for the 8th grade WSV Elementary School.

Made video portraits of graduates titled ”what shall I do” and made a DVD of all the plays performed by that group since their first year at the WSV.

Coordinated a project with Thea Brüggen (artist / teacher WSV), assisted by parents of the graduating class to produce colorful, traditional Japanese bound books, bundling photographs of the students and teachers plus essays written by the children over their future expectations.

Bloem Disco Deluxe / Villa Bloem Wageningen. Coordination Of Performances and décor and Personal performance “Tequila Bar”.

“Boots From The Woods” Exhibition. Personalized wooden clog exposition Café Cantine Amsterdam.

"De Droom Doos" video Project for Elementary School The WSV.

End Exam from Gerrit Rietveld Academy. Thesis and short films "Eve's Lost Paradise.

Exhibition KLUB KOE #6 / Short Films (Kunsten Ontmoeten Elkaar).

Beurs van Berlage / Rietveld op de Beurs "accepting consequence".

Worked with Henk Westbroek in making accompanying video projections and the Photographs for publicity posters for his theater tour “Liefde in Nederland en overzeese gebiedsdelen”.

“Déjà-vu” a video.
"Light Book" a book in three editions.
“Kunst In uw wijk” organized by Goede Stede a Public Space Project in Almere and won first place with "De Droom Bewaarder".

Beurs van Berlage/ Rietveld op de Beurs “Tequila Bar“.

RKD Project Den Haag “Like a fish out of water”.

Zoetemeer Project
“Everything is fine”
“Chair Project”
“Stoeltje is lief”
“Modern Amulet”
“I’ve got the car”
Design by SMLdesigns ©2007-2013 Lena Tenaglia